A small selection
Overall theme: 'Thoughts on Compassion for Compassion'
Resin objects
30 round x 15 cm
Version 1 and 2
Inspired by the ornate plumage of a Crowned Crane
Geïnspireerd op de sierlijke kuif van een kroonkraanvogel.
Overall theme: 'Thoughts on Compassion for Compassion'
Resin objects
30 x 40 x 18 cm
Version 1 and 2
Yggdrasil is the tree of life from the Norse Eddas.
See more about: 'Thoughts on Compassion for Compassion'
Resin object
12 x 12 x 15 cm
Versions 1,2,3 and 4
Inspired by the insides of glaciers.
Geïnspireerd op de binnenkant van gletsjers.
A small selection